Aircon Chemical Wash Vs. Chemical Overhaul: What Are The Differences?

Aircon Chemical Wash Vs. Chemical Overhaul: What Are The Differences?

Regular cleaning of your air conditioning system is crucial in maintaining its optimal performance and efficiency and ensuring a comfortable indoor environment. However, beyond the standard cleaning method, did you know there are two different ways of giving your aircon a more thorough wash? They are called aircon chemical wash and aircon chemical overhaul. So what…

4 Common Aircon Problems You Should Be Aware Of

4 Common Aircon Problems You Should Be Aware Of

Given Singapore’s hot and humid climate, what would we do without our air conditioners? So as we approach the dreaded May/June period, when the average monthly temperature is at its highest, the last thing you want is for problems to surface, causing your AC unit to stop functioning correctly. Therefore, it is essential for you to…

5 Signs That Indicate You Need To Get an Aircon Gas Top Up

5 Signs That Indicate You Need To Get an Aircon Gas Top Up

As a homeowner, you should always keep a look out for your aircon’s refrigerant level. When the refrigerant is low, your AC unit will struggle to produce cold air and reach your desired temperature level. But how do you know when to contact an aircon contractor for a gas refill? Fret not; we are here…

What Should You Do When Your AC Drain Line Is Clogged?

What Should You Do When Your AC Drain Line Is Clogged?

A clogged aircon drain line can spell plenty of problems for you and your aircon, as it is responsible for preventing water leaks at the condensate pipe end. Therefore, it is imperative to act quickly at the slightest hint of blockage to prevent further damage and maintain optimal performance. Fortunately, addressing a clogged aircon drain line is…

How Often Should Your Aircon Be Serviced In Singapore?

How Often Should Your Aircon Be Serviced In Singapore?

Air conditioners are indispensable in Singapore, helping us maintain a comfortable indoor environment amidst our hot and humid climate. To ensure the efficient and optimal performance of your unit, regular aircon maintenance is essential. So here is the perennial question: what is the maintenance frequency? The answer to this query is not always straightforward. It depends on several…

Aircon Maintenance Guide: Should You Repair Or Replace Your Aircon?

Aircon Maintenance Guide: Should You Repair Or Replace Your Aircon?

When your trusty air conditioning unit starts acting up, you may find yourself faced with a common dilemma: should you repair the system or replace the unit outright? The correct decision will depend on your unique circumstances, with various factors and points of view to assess. To help you find the best solution to keep…

VRV & VRF Air Conditioning Systems: What Are the Differences?

VRV & VRF Air Conditioning Systems: What Are the Differences?

VRV (Variable Refrigerant Volume) and VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) systems have revolutionised the way we control indoor climate, making them popular choices for commercial and residential spaces in Singapore. In fact, you may have heard of these terms while shopping for your ideal aircon system. However, what are the differences between VRF and VRV aircon? Both seem to…