Aircon Maintenance Guide: Should You Repair Or Replace Your Aircon?

Aircon Maintenance Guide: Should You Repair Or Replace Your Aircon?

When your trusty air conditioning unit starts acting up, you may find yourself faced with a common dilemma: should you repair the system or replace the unit outright? The correct decision will depend on your unique circumstances, with various factors and points of view to assess. To help you find the best solution to keep…

VRV & VRF Air Conditioning Systems: What Are the Differences?

VRV & VRF Air Conditioning Systems: What Are the Differences?

VRV (Variable Refrigerant Volume) and VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) systems have revolutionised the way we control indoor climate, making them popular choices for commercial and residential spaces in Singapore. In fact, you may have heard of these terms while shopping for your ideal aircon system. However, what are the differences between VRF and VRV aircon? Both seem to…